82 research outputs found

    Production Engineering and Management

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    The annual International Conference on Production Engineering and Management takes place for the sixth time his year, and can therefore be considered a well - established event that is the result of the joint effort of the OWL University of Applied Sciences and the University of Trieste. The conference has been established as an annual meeting under the Double Degree Master Program ‘Production Engineering and Management’ by the two partner universities. The main goal of the conference is to provide an opportunity for students, researchers and professionals from Germany, Italy and abroad, to meet and exchange information, discuss experiences, specific practices and technical solutions used in planning, design and management of production and service systems. In addition, the conference is a platform aimed at presenting research projects, introducing young academics to the tradition of Symposiums and promoting the exchange of ideas between the industry and the academy. Especially the contributions of successful graduates of the Double Degree Master Program ‘Production Engineering and Management’ and those of other postgraduate researchers from several European countries have been enforced. This year’s special focus is on Direct Digital Manufacturing in the context of Industry 4.0, a topic of great interest for the global industry. The concept is spreading, but the actual solutions must be presented in order to highlight the practical benefits to industry and customers. Indeed, as Henning Banthien, Secretary General of the German ‘Plattform Industrie 4.0’ project office, has recently remarked, “Industry 4.0 requires a close alliance amongst the private sector, academia, politics and trade unions” in order to be “translated into practice and be implemented now”. PEM 2016 takes place between September 29 and 30, 2016 at the OWL University of Applied Sciences in Lemgo. The program is defined by the Organizing and Scientific Committees and clustered into scientific sessions covering topics of main interest and importance to the participants of the conference. The scientific sessions deal with technical and engineering issues, as well as management topics, and include contributions by researchers from academia and industry. The extended abstracts and full papers of the contributions underwent a double - blind review process. The 24 accepted presentations are assigned, according to their subject, to one of the following sessions: ‘Direct Digital Manufacturing in the Context of Industry 4.0’, ‘Industrial Engineering and Lean Management’, ‘Management Techniques and Methodologies’, ‘Wood Processing Technologies and Furniture Production’ and ‘Innovation Techniques and Methodologies

    Production Engineering and Management

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    It is our pleasure to introduce the 8th edition of the International Conference on Production Engineering and anagement (PEM), an event that is the result of the joint effort of the OWL University of Applied Sciences and the University of Trieste. The conference has been established as an annual meeting under the Double Degree Master Program “Production Engineering and Management” by the two partner universities. This year the conference is hosted at the university campus in Lemgo, Germany. The main goal of the conference is to offer students, researchers and professionals in Germany, Italy and abroad, an opportunity to meet and exchange information, discuss experiences, specific practices and technical solutions for planning, design, and management of manufacturing and service systems and processes. As always, the conference is a platform aimed at presenting research projects, introducing young academics to the tradition of symposiums and promoting the exchange of ideas between the industry and the academy. This year’s special focus is on Supply Chain Design and Management in the context of Industry 4.0, which are currently major topics of discussion among experts and professionals. In fact, the features and problems of Industry 4.0 have been widely discussed in the last editions of the PEM conference, in which sustainability and efficiency also emerged as key factors. With the further study and development of Direct Digital Manufacturing technologies in connection with new Management Practices and Supply Chain Designs, the 8th edition of the PEM conference aims to offer new and interesting scientific contributions. The conference program includes 25 speeches organized in seven sessions. Two are specifically dedicated to “Direct Digital Manufacturing in the context of Industry 4.0”. The other sessions are covering areas of great interest and importance to the participants of the conference, which are related to the main focus: “Supply Chai n Design and Management”, “Industrial Engineering and Lean Management”, “Wood Processing Technologies and Furniture Production”, and “Management Practices and Methodologies”. The proceedings of the conference include the articles submitted and accepted after a careful double-blind refereeing process

    Production Engineering and Management

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    It is our pleasure to introduce the seventh edition of the International Conference on Production Engineering and Management (PEM), an event that is the result of the joint effort of the University of Trieste and the Ostwestfalen- Lippe University of Applied Sciences. The conference has been established as an annual meeting under the Double Degree Master Program “Production Engineering and Management” by the two partner universities. This year the conference is hosted at the university campus in Pordenone. The main goal of the conference is to offer students, researchers and professionals in Germany, Italy and abroad, an opportunity to meet and exchange information, discuss experience, specific practices and technical solutions for planning, design and management of manufacturing and service systems and processes. As always, the conference is a platform aimed at presenting research projects, introducing young academics to the tradition of symposiums and promoting the exchange of ideas between the industry and the academy. This year’s special focus is on industry sustainability, which is currently a major topic of discussion among experts and professionals. Sustainability can be considered as a requirement for any modern production processes and systems, and also has to be embedded in the context of Industry 4.0. In fact, the features and problems of industry 4.0 have been widely discussed in the last editions of the PEM conference, in which efficiency and waste reduction emerged as key factors. The study and development of the connections between future industry and sustainability is therefore critical, as highlighted in the recent “German Sustainable Development Strategy and the 2030 Agenda”. Accordingly, the seventh edition of the PEM conference aims to offer a contribution to the debate. The conference program includes 25 speeches organized in six sessions. Three are specifically dedicated to “Direct Digital Manufacturing in the context of Industry 4.0” and “Technology and Business for Circular Economy and Sustainable Production”. The other sessions are covering areas of great interest and importance to the participants of the conference, which are related to the main focus: “Innovative Management Techniques and Methodologies”, “Industrial Engineering and Lean Management” and “Wood Processing Technologies and Furniture Production”. The proceedings of the conference include the articles submitted and accepted after a careful double-blind refereeing process

    How to Improve Shop Floor Management

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    Shop floor management is an important component of the Toyota Production System. The main task of shop floor management is to sustainably increase efficiency and quality in production. The objective of this paper is to identify potentials for improvement of shop floor management in the context of digitalization and to identify fields of action. As a result, the paper will show that insufficiently designed business processes, in particular, lead to additional administrative work for managers. Therefore, optimizing processes can also be seen as a key to giving managers more time for real management tasks. In addition, shop floor management can be strengthened by improving e-mail communication and meeting organization practices, as well as by making reporting more automated and more user-friendly

    A dramaturgia do trabalho no teatro paulistano contemporâneo

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    A pesquisa tem como foco a análise do tratamento da temática trabalhista na dramaturgia paulistana contemporânea, especificamente nos textos A Comédia do Trabalho, da Companhia do Latão, com dramaturgia final de Sérgio de Carvalho e Márcio Marciano; Bartolomeu, que será que nele deu?, de Claudia Schapira; e Borandá, de Luis Alberto de Abreu (em sua primeira saga, Tião) – todos criados em processo colaborativo. As três obras se estruturam em procedimentos épicos que evidenciam diversos aspectos das relações de trabalho na era da acumulação flexível, atual sistema de produção capitalista. As políticas neoliberais implantadas no mundo desde a década de 1970 têm como efeitos, entre outros, a precarização do trabalho e a substituição de uma postura sindical combatente por uma ideologia de veneração à empresa. Nesse contexto de retrocesso da organização coletiva do trabalhador frente à exploração do capital, outras possibilidades de abordagem do assunto desenvolvidas nas peças, além do embate entre patrão e empregado, mostram-se como reveladoras das tensões advindas das relações trabalhistas na atualidade. A hibridização de gêneros teatrais, as diferentes referências da cultura popular, a presença de coros pouco homogêneos, a abordagem múltipla do espaço e do tempo, as interações entre personagens-narradores e personagens da ação dramática são algumas das formas utilizadas para dialogar com a temáticaThe search is focused on the analysis of the work theme treatment in the contemporary paulistan dramaturgy, specifically in the texts A comédia do trabalho, from Companhia do Latão, with final dramaturgy from Sérgio de Carvalho and Márcio Mariano; Bartolomeu, que será que nele deu?, from Claudia Schapira; and Borandá, from Luis Alberto de Abreu (in first saga, Tião) – all created in collaborative process. The three works structure themselves in epic procedures which prove various aspects of working relations in the flexible accumulation era, the current system of capitalist production. Neo-liberal policies implemented in the world since the 1970‟s have as effects, among others, job diminishment and the replacement of a fighter union stance by an ideology of reverence for the company. In this context of retreating collective organization of workers against the capitalist exploitation, other approaching possibilities of the subject developed in the plays, besides the struggle between employee and employer, are shown as revealing tensions stemming from current working relations. The hybridization of theatrical genres, the different references in popular culture, the presence of not homogeneous choirs, the multiple approach of space and time, the interactions between narrators-characters and drama action characters are some of the ways used to dialogue with the themeCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Production Engineering and Management

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    It is our pleasure to introduce the 9th edition of the International Conference on Production Engineering and Management (PEM), an event that is the result of the joint effort ofthe University of Trieste and the OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The conference has been established as an annual meeting under the Double Degree Master Program “Production Engineering and Management” by the two partner universities. This year the conference is hosted at the university campus in Trieste, Italy.The main goal of the conference is to offer students, researchers,and professionals in Italy, Germany, and abroad, an opportunity to meet and exchange information, discuss experience,specific practices, technical solutions for planning, design,and management of manufacturing, service systems,and processes. As always, the conference is a platform aimed at presenting research projects, introducing young academics to the tradition of symposiums and promoting the exchange of ideas between the industry and the academy.This year’s special focus is on green production and digital manufacturing in the context of Industry 4.0, which are currently major topics of discussion among experts and professionals. In fact, the features and problems of Industry 4.0 have been widely discussed in the last editions of the PEM conference, in which sustainability and efficiency emerged as key factors. With further study and development of direct digital manufacturing technologies in connection with new management practices and product life-cycle management, the 9th edition of the PEM conference aims to offer new and interesting scientific contributions.The conference program includes 32speeches organized in eight sessions. Two are specifically dedicated to “Direct Digital Manufacturing in the context of Industry 4.0”. The other sessions are covering areas of great interest and importance to the participants of the conference, which are related to the main focus: “Product Life-Cycle and Supply Chain Management”, “Industrial Engineering and Lean Management”, “Wood Processing Technologies and Furniture Production”, and “Innovative Management Techniques and Methodologies”. The proceedings of the conference include the articles submitted and accepted after a careful double-blind refereeing process

    Raw data "E-perceptions and business 'mating': The Communication Effects of the Relative Width of Males' Faces in Business Portraits"

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    This is the raw data that belongs to the manuscript 'E-perceptions and Business 'Mating': The Communication Effects of the Relative Width of Males' Faces in Business Portraits', as published by Eveline van Zeeland and Jörg Henseler (2021) in Frontiers in Psychology

    Raw data "E-perceptions and business 'mating': The Communication Effects of the Relative Width of Males' Faces in Business Portraits"

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    This is the raw data that belongs to the manuscript 'E-perceptions and Business 'Mating': The Communication Effects of the Relative Width of Males' Faces in Business Portraits', as published by Eveline van Zeeland and Jörg Henseler (2021) in Frontiers in Psychology